Gimbal Manager
- How do I locate the Organization ID of an Organization?
- How can I tell if an invited user has accepted an invitation to join my organization?
- How do I change a user from Developer status to Admin status?
- How do I remove an approved user from accessing my organization?
- How do I find out which Organization I'm currently logged into?
- What is a Gimbal Place?
- Creating a Place with a Radial Geofence
- Creating a Place with a Polygonal Geofence
- Creating a Place with Beacons
- Customizing Beacon Detection & RSSI
- Importing Places
- Creating an application
- Server API Key
- Can I change an Application's API key?
- What does the error "User Limit reached" mean?
- How do I change/edit the Bundle ID for my application?
- What is the difference in app close states between Android and iOS?
- How to use Emojis in your Communicates
- Can I customize the title for iOS communicate notification?
- Create a New Communication
- What’s the difference between Content Delivered, Notified, Pushed and Clicked in Dashboards Communicate Event report?
- Under Communicate tab, what does the message “Places may take up to 24 hours to sync with existing instances of the SDK" mean?
- Error message when uploading an APN certificate "We're sorry but something went wrong. We've been notified about this issue and we'll look at it shortly".
- How do I get the factory ID of a beacon from a low battery email?
- How do I revoke a beacon sharing key?
- Unable to delete custom beacon configuration, 'Delete' button is grayed out.
- Whats the difference between an 'Assigned' and 'Applied' configuration?
- How do I share a beacon with another developer/account?
- Configuring a Gimbal beacon