To revoke a beacon sharing key you've generated, click on 'Beacons' > 'Beacon Sharing' on the left menu in Gimbal Manager > click on the 'X' under 'Actions' next to the sharing key. The sharing key will now appear under 'Revoked Keys' towards the bottom of the page.
Articles in this section
- How do I get the factory ID of a beacon from a low battery email?
- How do I revoke a beacon sharing key?
- Unable to delete custom beacon configuration, 'Delete' button is grayed out.
- Whats the difference between an 'Assigned' and 'Applied' configuration?
- How do I share a beacon with another developer/account?
- Configuring a Gimbal beacon
- Importing Beacons
- Exporting Beacons
- Activating Third-Party iBeacons
- Is it possible to get the Latitude/Longitude of a beacon during an event trigger or for all the beacons tied to an area?
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