This is a guide on how to write unit tests in iOS for the Place manager to ensure your logic is working.
First step is to create a wrapper around GMBLVisit object:
protocol LocationEventProtocol { var visitID: String { get set } } class LocationEvent: LocatioEventProtocol { var visitID: String = "" }
Now we need to create a wrapper around the PlaceManager, this will emit place events from PlaceManager
protocol LocationEventManagerProtocol: PlaceManagerDelegate { init(service: LocationEventService) func isMonitoring() -> Bool func startMonitoring() func stopMonitoring() func placeManager(_ manager: PlaceManager, didBegin visit: Visit) } class LocationEventManager:NSObject, LocationEventManagerProtocol { private let service:LocationEventService private let placeManager:PlaceManager required init(service: LocationEventService) { self.service = service self.placeManager = PlaceManager() super.init() self.placeManager.delegate = self } func isMonitoring() -> Bool { return PlaceManager.isMonitoring() } func startMonitoring() { PlaceManager.startMonitoring() } func stopMonitoring() { PlaceManager.stopMonitoring() } } extension LocationEventManager: PlaceManagerDelegate { func placeManager(_ manager: PlaceManager, didBegin visit: Visit) { let locationEventVisit = LocationEventVisit() locationEventVisit.visitID = visit.visitID self.service.didBegin(visit: LocationEventVisit) } }
The next step is to create a class that would hold the logic for responding to the place events:
class LocationEventService: LocationEventServiceProtocol { func didBegin(visit: LocationEventProtocol) { .didBeginVisit, object: nil, userInfo: ["visitID": visit.visitID]) } }
Finally here is an example of a test you could perform on the LocationEventService class:
func testExample() throws { let testService = LocationEventService() let handler: (Notification) -> Bool = { notification in // Mark 1 guard let visitID = notification.userInfo?["visitID"] as? String else { XCTFail("did not emit visitID") return false } XCTAssertEqual(visitID, "visitID") return true } expectation(forNotification: .didBeginVisit, object: nil, handler: handler) let locationEvent = LocationEvent() regionVisit.visitID = "visitID" testService.didBegin(visit: regionVisit) waitForExpectations(timeout: 2, handler:nil) }
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