Once you have created a Gimbal Manager account and set up Places within your organization, you can verify Place Events are being triggered by sending a Communicate event to your device.
In order to send a push notification, a device that has the Gimbal Location SDK installed must interact with a Place set up in Gimbal Manager. To do this, you can either:
- Download the Hello Gimbal (iOS | Android) app onto your device
- Install the Gimbal Location SDK within your own app
Let's assume you've gone to the Apple App Store, searched for "Hello Gimbal" and downloaded the app onto your phone.
Next, navigate to https://manager.gimbal.com/. Under the Server API Key section, click the "QR Code" button and a unique image will appear.
Launch the Hello Gimbal app on your phone, open the app and click the "Scan QR Code" button. Once you have given the app permission to use your camera, use it to scan the QR code on your computer screen.
Congrats! Now your instance of Hello Gimbal and the Places you have set up inside your Gimbal Manager account have been synced. To finalize the registration, swipe kill Hello Gimbal on your phone and relaunch it.
Download the PDF for step-by-step instructions »
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