As of December 8th, 2020 Apple began requiring that all new submissions to the App Store include information about what data the app is collecting. This is referred to as the App Privacy Details page. If you have not reviewed this information yet, we recommend visiting the official page from Apple. For the purposes of the Gimbal SDKs, there are two areas that should be filled out: Location and Identifiers.
Location data is broken down between Precise Location and Coarse Location, however for the purposes of the Gimbal SDK both of these will be collected. Gimbal collects this information to store Visit information, like the latitude & longitude of the user where this event occurred. Therefore, we recommend that you include this data collection as part of your App Privacy Details page on the App Store.
Identifier data refers to any identifier that can be used to track your users beyond the application itself. As this relates to Gimbal’s SDKs, the App Instance ID is used to identify that user across all Visit history. This identifier will be reset when a user uninstalls & reinstalls an app, or when you as a developer manually decide to reset that identifier through the Gimbal SDKs. Additionally, if your app is collecting IDFA information, that would also fall under this category of identifiers.
Lastly, there are two different ways in which this data is being used as it relates to the App Privacy Details page. The first way is through Data Used to Track You, as Location data would be used for tracking purposes. Based on our understanding, each time a user breaches a geofence with While in Use permissions or anytime Always permissions are turned on with Gimbal’s SDK, this would fall under the category of Data Used to Track You. Secondly, both Location and Identifier data falls under the category of Data Linked to You. Because Visit data is stored, latitude & longitude, alongside a unique identifier for that user (Gimbal’s App Instance ID).
As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to
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